Dr. Masaru Emoto
Dr. Johann Grander
Dr. Viktor Schauberger
Alexander Gurwitsch
If you do not have water you do not have life.
It is the driving force behind all the various environments and ecosystems that make up our world.
It is the factor in regulating all weather systems.
It keeps the temperature of the earth stable.
It has the ability to clean, absorb, and transport any other substance.
In fact it is present everywhere and because of this we tend to forget about it's importance and take it for granted.
The human body contains 70-75% water, science now says it could be much higher.
At 10% loss dehydration sets in, at 20% loss death is usual.
It regulates our whole metabolism, millions of complex bio-chemical processes occurring every day.
It is not always the amount of water or even the purity that governs your health, it is the quality of the water. Thousands of years ago water had certain characteristics in respect to oxygen content, surface tension and solubility.
How close to this ideal water do you think your current drinking water is, if it is tap water, bottled water or treated by ozone, chlorine, fluoride, reverse osmosis, distilling.
How natural is the water once it has undergone all these different treatments?
These are man made treatments to simply try to kill all living things in the water or to filter out all things from the water, hardly a natural approach
Even if the pollutant is filtered the water molecule cluster still remains in an unnaturally large cluster due to its lasting electromagnetic frequency influence on the water, this frequency keeps the water molecules in the same unnatural structure, as they were when the pollutant was present, despite its absence.
This is the pollution no one considers.
Water pollution comes in many forms, chemicals, farm run-off, Thermal, frictional and electromagnetic. Even methods or devices that we typically attribute with the removal of pollution from water are themselves contributors to water pollution on the molecular/frequency level.
Pollution saturates water with unnatural amounts of substances and electromagnetic influences, that all leave their influence in the form of frequency on water, reducing its capacity to dissolve and transport nutrients, food and oxygen and also to clean the cells within our bodies.
In the larger environment waterways no longer function as they should, because pollutants cause unbalancing of ecosystem nutrient and energy cycling.
As water becomes over polluted it can no longer clean or regenerate itself, it is simply too full of the frequency influence of pollution, causing larger than natural water molecule clusters.
If water cannot dissolve and transport oxygen effectively it can become anaerobic. If this occurs in any environment, it also may become anaerobic.

Vasilij Kaschirskij(Center for Physiological Security at the Institute for Strategic Research in Moscow): "The more we find from water the more we discover of ourselves";/Vasilij Kaschirskij :"Cu cat aflam mai mult despre apa cu atat ne descoperim pe noi insine";

Apa energizata devine un solvent mai bun –se observa ca aceeasi cantitate de cerneala albastra coloreaza mai puternic apa de la robinet

Mohorn, Wilhelm a inventat un dispozitiv pt.extragerea umezelii(igrasiei) din pereti cu ajutorul energiei piramidale[vedeti si Instalatia pt. extragerea energiei piramidale a lui al lui Oehme, Rainer
Water is a crystal. A crystal is programmable just like an electronic mini-chip and has the ability to retain memory. Thus, water also has the ability to retain memory. Water responds to our thoughts, emotions and words like a conscious sentient being. Water also responds to the written word, photographs and music.
To some people these may seem like bold statements that are a little far from their reality ... however, all of these statements have been scientifically proven with ample research and documentation.
To demonstrate this, let us take a look at the research of Dr. David Schweitzer, Dr. Masaru Emoto and Dr. Johann Grander.
1. Dr. David Schweitzer
In 1996 Dr. David Schweitzer succeeded in photographing images of thoughts that had been impregnated in water. Thus, demonstrating that water was capable of acting as a liquid memory system that could store information. This made it possible to photographically research the impact of positive and negative thoughts on the fluids of the body.
In an interview in September 1997, (in the magazine “Shared Vision”) Dr. Schweitzer shares his experience ... quote
“The whole thing started out after having observed blood for over a decade and discovering that blood cells expressed themselves with a language based on sacred geometries, shape, and colour. I thought that, since blood cells were suspended in water, it might be possible to discover further details about water itself.” ... end quote
Dr. Schweitzer developed a fluorescent microscope using a light temperature of 732nm which presented the greatest probability of monitoring this somatide activity (particles of light) in water. He observed that these small light bodies could be directly influenced by positive and negative emotions ... however, they would respond with greater luminosity in the presence of positive thoughts.
2. Dr. Masaru Emoto
Thanks to the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto we now have visual proof of the EXTERNAL structural organization of water and the potential to influence that structural organization through our intent. Dr. Emoto developed a method to freeze water samples and then photograph the resulting crystalline formation, using a microscope (x500 amplification). He tested waters from all over the planet originating from many different sources … such as lakes, river, glaciers, city water, bottled, distilled etc. Each of these samples revealed different levels of structural organization. However, he did not stop there ... Dr. Emoto took his testing to a new level. He exposed samples of water to different types of music and tested the resulting crystallization. Beethoven, Mozart, Bach all produced beautiful crystal formations. On the other hand, some of our popular rock music and heavy metal music … produced distorted, broken and negative reactions in the crystalline structure.

Dr. Johann Grander
GRANDER WATER REVITALIZING SYSTEM http://www.watercare.com.my/html/default.asp?p=421
We use the Grander technology in our water revitalizing system to produce the highest quality pure living water. It returns the drinking water to what it once was the “Wellspring of life” The “pure living water” goes through double process and 16 purification stages to give it more purity and better taste. It’s many times more effective in bacteria control as compared to any other traditional methods. It produces higher dissolved oxygen to provide more energy. The Grander Technology incorporates a device that transmits the natural frequencies of the earth’s magnetic field into the water. . The restoring of this natural information has the capacity to rectify the fundamental problems of our drinking water, and to restore the structure of water molecules damaged by pollution, addition of chemicals, processing and transmission in pipes. The Grander process changes the inner structure of water and returns the water molecules to a highly ordered state, making the water more stable. The Grander process involves a field effect generated by highly structured water ("information water") developed by Johann Grander. The information water passes structural information through its field to other liquids nearby. The water which passes near the information water takes on a new structure (is "revitalized").

Basic Functions of the Grander Water Revitalizing System
1. Remove all harmful frequencies emitted by pollutants and to reduce their negative impacts to our body.
2. To reduce the size of water molecules clusters thus enhancing their permeability into our body cell. l Increases the carrying capacity of metabolic waste from living cells hence improving its cleansing properties.
3. Control the growth of microorganisms within the water so that its shelf period is prolonged.
4. Increase the level of dissolved oxygen in water and accelerate the breakdown of biodegradable wastes.
5. Reduce the effect of free chlorine in water hence reducing skin irritation and protects our body’s immune system.
6. Reduce the unpleasant odors in water to make our food or drink taste even better.
7. Reduce the dirt in pipes, prolong the life-span of pipes.
8. Reduce the rust stain in culinary vessel, to make clean up easily.
9. The revitalized sewage water still have the ability to clean up, and make the sewers cleaner.
Links to Story of Johann Grander
The Grander Effect Improvement in water quality
The Grander process changes the inner structure of water and returns the water molecules to a highly ordered state, making the water more stable. How is the water revitalized? The Grander process involves a field effect generated by highly structured water ("information water") developed by Johann Grander. The precise method by which he produces "information water" is a trade secret. The information water passes structural information through its field to other liquids nearby. The water which passes near the information water takes on a new structure (is "revitalized"). Worldwide practical experience of using Grander Technology has confirmed Johann Grander´s assertion that this effect can be passed on to all waters. Key revitalized water properties are: Enhanced shelf life Enhanced solvent power Enhanced microbiological properties Enhanced shelf life: revitalized "Blue Water" is sold with an official shelf life of 4 years. The Blue Water is never subjected to any kind of disinfection during the bottling process. The water has been shown to remain pure regardless of storage conditions (e.g. temperature and light). These unique keeping properties are only possible through the Grander process. Enhanced solvent power: practical experience in thousands of applications has shown that the use of revitalized water enables the reduction in quantity of detergents whilst maintaining cleaning effects. This allows the clear conclusion to be drawn that revitalized water has more solvent power. Enhanced microbiological properties: Practical experience with industrial closed heating/cooling circuits demonstrates that when the water is revitalized using the Grander process it can be used for longer periods of time without losing its microbiological stability.
Pendant This pretty piece of jewelry is filled with pure, precious Grander Information Water and has a harmonizing effect on the body.
Energy rod
The energy rod is filled with Grander Information Water and has a revitalising and harmonizing effect on all beverages. The energy rod is suitable for use in glasses, cups and medium-sized jugs. The energy rod is filled with Grander Information Water and has a revitalising and harmonizing effect on all beverages To revitalise a beverage, simply stir several times (for about 20 seconds) with the rod; a change in taste is usually immediately noticeable.
Wooden energy boards The wooden energy boards contain a spiral copper tube, filled with Grander Information Water. Jugs of water, juices and alcoholic drinks and bowls of fruit all benefit from the revitalization effect. The boards are also effective in refrigerators to enhance vegetable freshness Wooden energy boards .The boards are also used adjacent to reverse osmosis water tanks. The energy boards are available in two sizes: 17x17 cm and 29x29 cm
Johann Grander - Water Revitalization
The Austrian naturalist Johann Grander developed a natural means to revitalize water. See also: http://www.watercure.com - http://www.oxygenamerica.com http://www.grander.com http://www.granderwater.com http://www.natural-technologies.com/default.htm http://www.grander.com.au/benefits.html http://www.harvesthaven.com/water/grander/grander.htm http://www.grander.com/en/medien/dvds.php Viktor Schauberger - Nature http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Schauberger http://www.lauralee.com/index.cgi?pid=3016 - Audio Download: http://www.lauralee.com/audio/asf/120295.asf Book: Alick Bartholomew - Hidden Nature http://www.earthpulse.com/src/product.asp?productid=50 http://piazza.iae.nl/users/lightnet/world/grander/grander.ht ml (more) (less) http://www.grander.com.au/benefits.html
Grander - the waterwizard of Tirol - part 1
Johann Grander - a biography of an amazing person...Grander Johann water revitalization; granderwater http://www.harvesthaven.com/water/grander/grander.htm
The Austrian naturalist Johann Grander developed a natural means to revitalize water. http://youtube.com/watch?v=PIuCcJHcc4M
Grander - the waterwizard of Tirol part 2
Grander - the waterwizard of Tirol part 3
Grander - the waterwizard of Tirol part 4
Grander - the waterwizard of Tirol part 5
Grander practical applications-p1 description of the wide field of applications...Johann Grander water revitalization living energy
Grander practical applications-p2
Grander practical applications-p3 showing the wide field of practical applications...Johann Grander; water revitalization; living water; energy
Grander practical applications-p4
Grander practical applications-p5 showing the wide field of practical applications...Johann Grander; water revitalization; living
Grander practical applications-p6 Grander practical applications...Johann Grander water revitalization living
Grander practical applications-p7
Showing the wide range of applications...Johann Grander revitalized water living energy http://youtube.com/watch?v=IwSXZUM8wSE
Grander practical applications-p8
Showing the wide range of applications...Johann Grander revitalized water living energy http://youtube.com/watch?v=3l745V-Zxrg
Clear water for industry - part 1 industry 2007...
Clear water for industry - part 2
Clear water for industry - part 3
Grander practical applications-p4
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