Morphogenetic Technology for Invisibility Cloak
Tehnologia Morphogenetica pentru realizarea Invizibilitatii
Tehnologia Morphogenetica la nivel nanostructural [metamateriale] conduce la modularea indicelui de refractie, la invizibilitate,la controlul interactiei gravitationale si la modularea matricii spatiu-timp
Ancient legends on Invisibility are true: Invisibility cloak rediscovered
This article can be seen on: Mirahorian : Hidden Knowledge-Breaking the Cultural Trance – Discover Stillness
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This article is an answer to the article that appeared today 20.10.2006 on YAHOO NEWS :
(because is smth different from the invisibility screen that projects the image from behind) Acest articol este un raspuns la cel aparut azi(20.10.2006) la stiri stiintifice pe Yahoo
unde se vorbeste despre structuri nanotehnologice (metamateriale) care emit un camp (de plasmoni) care poate inversa(negativa) indicele de refractie, ceea ce conduce la realizarea invizibilitatii unui obiect in toate domeniile electromagnetice(microunde, radar,infrarosu..) dar si in domeniul sonic (detectia ultrasonica). Aceste structuri nanotehnologice arata ca un cablaj electronic (vedeti mai jos) si sunt numite metamateriale.De fapt aceasta tehnologie vizeaza interactia gravitationala si extractia din spatiul-timp local in vederea realizarii altor metode de a calatori in univers si pt. a realiza :casele zeilor (incinte ecranate la curgerea timpului-"Oul lui Paracelsus"). Se observa punerea in aplicare a invizibilitatii descoperite de insecte, botezata de savantul rus .Grebennicov CSE(CAVITY STRUCTURAL EFFECT). Cloaking Demonstrated
Our new publication in Science confirms a previous conjecture that it is possible
to cloak objects-at least over a narrow range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Electromagnetic metamaterials are artificially structured composites that can be engineered to have desired electromagnetic properties, while having other advantageous material properties. In addition to their potential in practical applications and devices, metamaterials can offer unique and previously unexplored material properties.
Negative Index Materials
What are negative index materials? How do they work? All known naturally occurring materials possess positive refractive index. Metamaterials, however, can be designed to have a negative refractive index, and will thus bend light in a unique manner. Our group studies the fundamental properties of negative refraction, as well as practical applications for negative index metamaterials. More information can be found on:

Plasmonic Nanostructures
Metals at optical wavelengths have unusual properties because their dielectric constant can be negative. At the interface between two media having opposite signs of permittivity, surface plasmons can be excited that give metals a remarkable response to incident electromagnetic radiation. By engineering this response, we hope to develop nano-optic technology: optical elements not limited by the wavelength
Aceste structuri nanotehnologice care arata ca un cablaj electronic(vedeti mai jos) si sunt numite metamateriale vizeaza interactia gravitationala si extractia din spatiul-timp local (incinte concentrice-"Oul lui Paracelsus"). In imaginea de mai jos se observa punerea in aplicare a invizibilitatii descoperite de insecte (vedeti in stanga centru platforma invizibila care levita) care foloseste efectul botezat de savantul rus Viktor S. Grebennikov :CSE(CAVITY STRUCTURAL EFFECT).
Efectul de Structurare(spatio-temporala) exercitat de Cavitati ,forme (piramide, ADN) era cunoscut civilizatiilor antice
(THOTH , zeul stiintei si al magiei mai era numit si stapanul timpului)
("Flight" - V chapter from the book "MY WORLD" by Viktor S. Grebennikov )

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In imaginea de mai jos se vede ca piramida era simbolul pentru Dumnezeu pt. civilizatiile anterioare de pe Terra asa cum se afirma in textele civilizatiei Iarga
Simbolul antic al lui Dumnezeu PIRAMIDA TETRAEDRALA

Friday October 20, 11:59 AM
Electromagnetic metamaterials for negative refractive index review
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Materials Today 9, 28 (2006)
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Scientific American 295, 60 (July, 2006)
Controlling electromagnetic fields
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Science 312, 1780 (2006)
Spectroscopy of metamaterials from infrared to optical frequencies review
W. J. Padilla, D. R. Smith, D. N. Basov
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 23, 404 (2006)
Homogenization of metamaterials by field averaging invited D. R. Smith, J. B. Pendry
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 23, 321 (2006)
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Applied Physics Letters 88, 081101 (2006)
Numerical simulations of long-range plasmons
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Optics Express , 88, 1611 (2006)
Electric-field-coupled resonators for negative permittivity metamaterials
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Applied Physics Letters 88, 041109 (2006)
Simulation and testing of a graded negative index of refraction lens
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Applied Physics Letters 87, 091114 (2005)
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D. R. Smith
Physics World 18, 23 (2005)
Sub-diffraction imaging with compensating bilayers invited
D. Schurig, D. R. Smith
New Journal of Physics 7, 162 (2005)
Impact of inherent periodic structure on effective medium description of left-handed and related metamaterials
T. Koschny, P. Markos, E. N. Economou, D. R. Smith, D. C. Vier, C. M. Soukoulis
Physical Review B 71, 245105 (2005)
Experimental characterization of magnetic surface plasmons on metamaterials with negative permeability
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Physical Review B 71, 195402 (2005)
How to build a superlens popular
D. R. Smith
Science, 308, 502 (2005)
Electromagnetic parameter retrieval from inhomogeneous metamaterials
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Physical Review E, 71, 036617 (2005)
Gradient index metamaterials
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Physical Review E , 71, 036617 (2005)
Enhanced diffraction by a rectangular grating made of a negative phase-velocity (or negative index) material
R. A. Depine, A. Lakhtakia, D. R. Smith
Physics Letters A , 337, 155 (2005)
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